Sunday, April 12, 2009
♥ Q&A: Moaning
I'm sittng here thinking and the question I ask my self is.....
Do you men like it when women moan/scream during sex?
And also
Do women like when men moan?
So I asked a couple of my friends and this is what I got......
Neshia (me): I actually love when a man moan...Makes me cum faster and turns me on.
Ced: My last chick likes my manly moan. And I love it when a chicks moans, screams, whatever. As long as she making some type action or whatever. I like agressiveness, so tha louder the better.
Chris: It depends on how their moans sound like.
Monty: I like when a girl screams, but not to loud then it gets annoying and that shit turns off
Eric:I love it when women moan ... lets you know they're into it (unless they're faking). screams esp. ... cuz its hard to fake a good scream.
Jae: It lets me know im on it right...especially if she gotta sexy moan. turns me on more
Bryant: I mean its ok.....and thats If its really From Pleasure..and not just to stroke my ego...It does nothing for me sexually tho...but if its ensures me i might be beating it up
Brandon: I like it cuz it motivates me and lets me know im knocking the bottom out tha thang.
Darius: yeah i think its sexy when a girl moan in my ear..and when she call me daddy and tell me she want more and to go deep..shit just sends me over the edge.
Erin: Depends on how they moan
I'll add more later..
Am i really never good enough for you?
Sunday, April 12, 2009
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
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